Apart from the a focus group New Name Conversations already underway, the anonymous online platform SOAPBOX http://intranet.nmmu.ac.za/soapbox and the Share with us facility on the new name website - newname.nmmu.ac.za, you are invited to see what some of our own staff and students are saying in the short video below.
Watching the video will hopefully trigger similar conversations within your own environment.
Your input
As a particular brand and identity takes years to build, the conversation and dialogue around the new name will be ongoing and this will take place in a variety of forms.
Your input, which is being sourced, gathered and collated, from the various engagements, will contribute towards the process outlined and help to inform the way forward for our new identity. This feedback, including general themes, key concerns, ideas and other items, will be shared once the initial engagement processes have been completed.
The launch of the new name should be seen as an opportunity to reflect, re-imagine and rethink the kind of University that we are becoming.
Communication and Stakeholder Liaison