While the new look for Nelson Mandela University has been decided by top management because of time constraints, our identity as a new generation university still needs to be shaped. Key questions are being asked of staff and students regarding what the name Nelson Mandela means to individuals and what it means to the University going into an uncertain future. What kind of University do we want to become in line with Mandela’s legacy? How do we make this legacy come alive?
New Name Conversations for small groups are being held separately for staff and students, while staff and students are also being encouraged to share among themselves and to offer feedback by the internal anonymous online platform for sharing. Information sessions will take place at Faculty Board meetings and at other staff and student events.
Our identity is still being shaped. It has not already been decided. Staff and students will inform that identity as it collectively re-imagines the type of University it wishes to become in line with the hopes, aspirations and values of our namesake.