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Change the world


VC to ‘headline’ Mandela Magic concert.

You are invited to attend the Mandela Magic Celebration at Missionvale Campus’ Indoor Centre on 18 July where NMMU Vice-Chancellor Prof Derrick Swartz will take centre stage to engage with staff and students.

The official working-afternoon concert to give staff and students an opportunity to celebrate the coming of the new name, will start with an address by Prof Swartz, and be followed by a concert starring our own home-grown talent from 3pm to 4.30pm.

Support from line managers

Permission to attend the event, however, must be made in consultation with your line manager or lecturer. An official communique from HR to this effect will be distributed in the near future.

Online invitation

To facilitate the logistics for the afternoon, please complete the online invitation as to whether you will be attending, and whether you will be in need of transport.

Communication and Stakeholder Liaison